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Unplugged and Connected: 5 Tips for Cultivating Parent Digital Wellness in the Digital Age


By Tyson Durbin, LPC

dad spending quality time with his children practicing digital wellness at breakfast time with a baby in his hands while his other child does their homework.
Unplugged and Connected: 5 Tips for Cultivating Parent Digital Wellness in the Digital Age

In today's hyper-digital world, it's not just children who need guidance when it comes to digital wellness; parents too must navigate the challenges and complexities of the digital age.

Parent digital wellness involves finding a balance with technology, being a positive example, and establishing healthy boundaries. Lets explore why parent digital wellness matters and practical tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with technology while nurturing a fulfilling family life.

The Importance of Parent Digital Wellness

Parent digital wellness is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, we as parents are the role models. How parents engage with technology influences their children's behavior and habits. By prioritizing their own digital wellness, parents can demonstrate responsible technology use, fostering positive digital habits for their children.

Additionally, excessive screen time and device dependency can hinder meaningful connections within families. Parents need to be present and engaged in their children's lives, providing them with emotional support, guidance, and quality time. By practicing digital wellness, parents can ensure that their attention is not constantly diverted by screens, allowing for deeper connections and stronger family bonds.

5 Tips for Parent Digital Wellness

  1. Set boundaries and limits: Research by Przybylski and Weinstein (2017) emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries for technology use. Establish specific time limits for different activities, such as work, leisure, and family time. Use smartphone features or apps that track screen time and set reminders to maintain self-discipline.

  2. Practice mindful technology use: The concept of mindful technology use involves being aware of our digital habits and consciously choosing how we engage with technology. A study by Rozgonjuk et al. (2020) found that practicing mindfulness techniques, such as taking regular breaks, being aware of emotional responses to technology, and setting intentions for device use, can help individuals achieve a healthier balance.

  3. Be present and engaged: When spending time with your children, make a conscious effort to put away your devices and be fully present. Engage in conversations, play, and activities that foster connections and create touchstone memories.

  4. Model healthy digital behavior: Children learn by observing their parents' actions. Demonstrate responsible technology use by minimizing distractions, practicing digital etiquette, and prioritizing offline activities. Show your children that technology is a tool to enhance their lives, not to replace real-world experiences.

  5. Prioritize self-care: Parenting can be demanding, and it's crucial to take care of your own well-being. Set aside time for activities that rejuvenate you, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending time with friends. Remember, taking care of yourself allows you to be a better parent and role model for your children.

Parent digital wellness is about finding a harmonious balance between technology use and real-life connections. By prioritizing digital wellness, parents can guide their children toward responsible and meaningful technology use while fostering strong family bonds. It's essential to set boundaries, model healthy behavior, and be present and engaged with our children. As we navigate the digital age, there's a ton of value in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling family life both online and offline.


Przybylski, A. K., & Weinstein, N. (2017). A large-scale test of the goldilocks hypothesis: Quantifying the relations between digital-screen use and the mental well-being of adolescents. Psychological Science, 28(2), 204-215.

Rozgonjuk, D., Sindermann, C., Elhai, J. D., & Montag, C. (2020). Comparing smartphone, self-report, and interview measures of smartphone use: Findings from a study investigating nomophobia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3922.

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